welcome to the
Prancing Moogle Cafe
Crystal > Brynhildr Goblet Ward 8 Plot 6
The Prancing Moogle Cafe is run by a crew of moogly misfits spanning across the North American Datacenters, anchoring homebase on Crystal to bring the players of Final Fantasy XIV a variety of fun social events and creative outlets in-game!
Weekly Art Parties hosted Every Sunday 5p-7p Pacific!
Meet the Staff
Fordaux L.
Lead Event Coordinator
Cafe Owner
Main Host
Bunny D.
Cafe Supervisor
Moogle Melee PVP Coordinator
Tired-Beyond-Years Bun
Seresa K.
Cafe Supervisor
Official Cafe Stream Host
Official Twitter Manager
Absolute Bimbo Bun
Odracir A.
Cafe Staff
Official Twitter Manager
Official Cafe Stream Moderator
Gpose Photographer
Catlamity Survivor
Ren M.
(and Ryohta)
Official Cafe Bard
Event Bard Coordinator
Prettiest Bun
Shadow K.
Cafe Staff
Art Party Assistant
Official Cafe Stream Moderator
Official Cafe Backup Stream Host
Token Cafe Elezen